
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sauteed Vegetables in Penne Rigatoni

Hey pasta lovers!

This dish was inspired by my want for sauteed vegetables and my mom's want for pasta...yay for collective efforts!

Since it was first made, I have also been able to make the dish in college, as it uses a single pan, and really any combination of preferred vegetables.

The Recipe: Sauteed Vegetables in Penne Rigatoni
  • 3 carrots, sliced
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 box Penne Rigatoni pasta 
  • 1/4 tbsp butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Water

The Process: 
  • Boil 1-2 inches of water in a covered, stove-top pot.
  • Once the water is boiling, cook pasta for 7-9 minutes on medium to low heat, depending on your stove. 
  • Heat a stove-top pan on high. 
  • Once the pan is heated, allow the butter to melt on the pan, turning the pan to help the butter spread. 
  • Turn the heat to medium. 
  • Add carrots, salt, and pepper.
  • Allow to cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 
  • Add green beans, and mix the pan with a spatula by folding it over itself multiple times. 
  • Allow to cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 
  • Add mushrooms, and mix the pan with a spatula by folding it over itself multiple times. 
  • Allow to cook for 5-7 minutes, checking and turning the mix periodically. 
  • Once the pasta is finished cooking, strain it and allow it to cool slightly. 
  • Once the vegetables are finished cooking, remove the top of the pan, and turn off the heat.
  • Once the pasta is cooled, serve it into bowls (should be 2-4 servings). 
  • Once the pasta is in bowls, top it with vegetables as desired. 
  • If desired, sprinkle cheese on top of the vegetables (at most 1 tsp). 
  • Enjoy!
The Calories: 

Pasta: 800 calories
Carrots: 50 calories
Green Beans: 77 calories
Mushrooms: 68 calories
Butter: 25 calories
Salt/Pepper: insignificant calories
Water: 0 calories
TOTAL: 1020 calories

This sounds like a lot, but if split between two people, that's only 510 calories each for two portions. If split between three people, 340 calories. If split between four people, 255 calories. 

What went right: 
        The pasta was a nice al dente, the vegetables cooked well, and the combination of ingredients worked in happy harmony. 

What went wrong: 
         Personally, I think the dish is carb-heavy. It would be nice to balance the carbs by altering the vegetable ratio, but in this case it might need some meat to ensure it is still just as filling. 

What I would do next time: 
         It would be good to try the dish with other seasonal vegetables, like a squash and pasta medley, or try varying the pasta:vegetable ratio and adding meats like sausage or chicken. 

Would I make this in college: 
        Oddly enough, I already have! I didn't make the dish as it is, but I held a pasta party and made pasta with marinara sauce for my dorm building, and sauteed vegetables for those who were Gluten Free. It's a very simple, quick dish to make, and leftovers are easy to keep and reheat. 

Overall, a quick, easy, healthy meal. No complaints :) 

Vegetarian Stuffed Pasta Shells (2)

Hello and welcome Italian Food lover!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog :) Apologies for the lack of posts since I've started college. There's plenty of time to cook but not enough time to write about cooking!

Today's recipe was inspired by my love of Italian food, and the success of prior Stuffed Pasta Shells. 

The Recipe: Vegetarian Stuffed Pasta Shells (2)

  • Jumbo Pasta Shells
  • 1 bunch Spinach 
  • 1 cup Pasta Sauce
  • 1 cup Broccoli
  • 1/2 cup Peas
  • 1 cup Italian Mix Shredded Cheese
  • 1 cup Baby Bella Mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 sweet Red Pepper, sliced and diced
  • 1-2 pieces Garlic, sliced and diced
  • 5 stalks of Green Onion, chopped
  • 1/4 tsp butter (one small slice) 
  • Salt and Pepper as desired
The Process:
  • Boil water on the stove in a pot that will be large enough to hold all 20 pasta shells comfortably. 
  • Once there are bubbles in the water, carefully add the pasta, be sure to not let any break. 
  • Cook the pasta for 5-6 minutes. It should be al dente.
  • Remove and strain the pasta. Allow it to cool. 
  • Chop the Spinach into smaller pieces. 
  • Using a Magic Bullet or other powerful blender, puree the Spinach. You will have to do this in smaller bunches, adding slight amounts of water. 
  • Use paper towels to drain the Spinach. 
  • Heat a pan on the stove. 
  • Melt Butter on the pan. 
  • Add Salt and Pepper to the pan. 
  • Lower the heat to medium-low (depending on your stove).
  • Add Garlic and Green Pepper to the pan.
  • Add Broccoli to the pan. 
  • Add Red Pepper to the pan. 
  • Add Mushrooms to the pan. 
  • Add Peas to the pan. 
  • Cover the pan and continue to rotate the ingredients with a spatula until all are cooked. This should take 5-7 minutes. 
  • Mix the sauteed vegetables, Spinach, and Cheese in a large bowl. 
  • Pre-Heat the oven to bake at 350 degrees F.
  • Pour a small amount of Sauce in an oven-safe dish. 
  • Put a small amount of stuffing in each shell, and place it in the dish with the Sauce. 
  • Once you have filled all shells, if you have any stuffing left over, put it on top of the pasta. 
  • Coat the pasta with the remainder of the Sauce. 
  • Cover the dish with an oven-safe top, or aluminum foil.
  • Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the sauce begins to bubble. This time will depend on your oven, but the dish will also emit a powerful aroma, so you should be able to tell about when it is finished.
  • Switch your oven to roast on High.
  • Remove the aluminum foil or cover.
  • Roast the oven safe dish on a rack close to the flame for 3-5 minutes.
  • Carefully remove the dish from the oven.
  • Allow to cool for 3-5 minutes before serving.
  • Enjoy!
The Calories:

Pasta: 720 calories
Sauce: 190 calories
Spinach: 144 calories
Broccoli: 41 calories
Pepper: 31 calories
Mushrooms: 75 calories
Garlic: 5 calories
Green Onion: 15 calories
Peas: 59 calories
Cheese: 180 calories
Butter: 20 calories
Salt and Pepper: insignificant amounts
TOTAL: 1480 calories for 20 shells

Keep in mind that this amount also yielded additional stuffing that did not necessarily need to be included in the dish; instead, it could be refrigerated or frozen for future use. Additionally, there will be some sauce left in the jar, bowl, and dish.

Also keep in mind that one person will not eat 20 shells. 1480 calories for 20 shells means 74 calories per shell.

What went right:
         The pasta shells were delicious and the stuffing came out very nicely. I kind of liked having some of the stuffing outside the shells.

What went wrong: 
         According to my dad, the stuffing does not have enough spice, but he eats Indian pickle, so I've learned to take comments like this with a grain of sugar. Additionally, the individual shells may have been overstuffed, or cooled too long, because they were reluctant to remain closed.

What would I do next time:
         Next time I would like to try adding meat, which will also mean cooking/marinating the meat separately. The meat would determine the remainder of the stuffing, so I may need to use Italian sausage in order to balance out the vegetables.

Would I make this in college?:
         I definitely have the capability to make this in college, but not the time at present. It might be something to try over fall break (hint hint wink wink nudge nudge).

The photo below is our family dinner the night I made this dish. The two plain pasta and sausage link plates belong to my little brother, and my "little brother", who are just about the pickiest eaters I've ever met. At least they make cooking easy!

Overall, I'm a little too addicted to stuffed pasta shells now, but I really don't see a problem with that considering how healthy they can be. Especially if gluten free pasta and low fat cheese were used. Definitely can't wait to make these again! 

Happy Eating!