
Friday, May 23, 2014

Raw, Vegan "Sushi"


For the sake of clarity, I am neither vegan, nor vegetarian. That being said, this recipe looked too good to not try!
The Recipe:  Raw, Vegan "Sushi"
  • 1 cup Cashews (or just use some cashew butter)
  • 1 tbsp Rice Vinegar
  • 1 Zucchini
  • 1/4 Cucumber
  • 10 Baby Carrots
  • 3 small slices Celery
The Process:
  • Soak Cashews in water overnight (I soaked mine for a couple days because I didn't have time to make this for a while after)
  • Use Magic Bullet to mix the cashews and rice vinegar into a dip-like paste (it tastes pretty good on crackers too ;D
  • Clean the vegetables
  • Cut the ends off the Zucchini and cut it in half. Slice as many thin pieces as you would like to eat. Chop the rest into thinner pieces. (If you don't like Zucchini, you may accomplish this with cucumber)
  • Chop the carrots in half
  • Chop the cucumber into thin pieces as well (You may elect to only use the seeds of the cucumber, given their differing texture from the rest of the vegetables. 
  • Chop the celery into thin pieces as well
  • Spread the cashew dip onto the Zucchini strips
  • At one end, place a few of your thin strips of varied vegetables
  • Roll the end with the veggies into the rest of the Zucchini, forming a "Sushi" roll
  • Enjoy!
The Calories:

Cashews: 755 calories
Rice Vinegar: 25 calories
Zucchini: 31 calories
Cucumber: 45 calories
Carrots: 41 calories
Celery: Negative Calories 
TOTAL: 897 Calories

Before you freak out, the amount of the recipe that I used was about 1/6 the Cashews, 3/4 the zucchini, 1/2 the carrots, all the celery, and 1/4 the cucumber. So let's recalculate a little bit! 

Cashews: 126 calories
Rice Vinegar: 25 calories
Zucchini: 24 calories
Cucumber: 12 calories
Carrots: 21 calories
Celery: Negative Calories
TOTAL: 208 calories

Now we get to divide by 13, since I made 13 rolls from what I did use. This makes each roll contain 16 calories. Doesn't that sound better to you?

What went right:
         They are super tasty, guilt free, and completely vegan. The only issue I have is with the cashew soaking, and even that isn't so big a deal...good things come to those who wait...especially since the cashew dip lasts for subsequent meals. 

What went wrong: 
         The cashew dip could use a little something so I'm probably going to be experimenting to see just what that is! 

What I would do next time:
         I might try some different nuts as the dip, or else add some spices to the cashews. I also might try adding some leaves to it, like kale or lettuce. I might also try making the dip with beans, chickpeas, or maybe even tofu. 

Will I do this in college?: 
         Oh yeah. This is a wonderful treat I hope to be making for a long time! Even beyond college, they would make fantastic appetizers.

Overall, I greatly enjoyed this recipe and look forward to making (and eating) it again!

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