
Friday, May 17, 2013

Single Serving Hash Browns

Hello and welcome! 

Today's meal was made with a little extra love...
My little brother is home sick and finally getting his appetite back. He said he was ready for a hearty meal, but he doesn't eat eggs or sausage (without pasta), and I don't feel like pancakes or waffles really qualifies as "hearty" or healthy for a sick person. When I first offered hash browns, he thought it was too much trouble, since usually they're made on a large griddle for our entire family. My crouton experience taught me that this was not the case!

The Recipe:  Single Serving Hash Browns
  • 1 potato, skinned, sliced and diced
  • 1/4 tbsp butter
  • salt and pepper
The Process:

  • Heat a frying pan on high
  • Change to medium heat and melt the butter into the frying pan
  • Put potato chunks in the pan
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper
  • Cover the pan
  • Cook for 3-5 minutes before moving chunks around to "flip" them
  • Repeat until all have browned
  • Switch to low heat for 1-2 minutes
  • Serve to my lovely sick brother

The Calories: 

Potato: 150 calories
Butter:  25 calories
Salt and pepper: 1 calorie
TOTAL: 176 calories

What went right:
          They came out wonderfully. My brother enjoyed them :) 

What went wrong: 
          We only had one potato, so I don't get any :( 

What I would do next time:
          Get a second potato ;) I might also try sweet potato, red potato, or new potato hash browns. Also, I know I will have a smaller pan in college than I have at home, so I might instead form a potato pancake. 

Will I do this in college?:
          Yes for sure. This is a super easy way to make a hearty, healthy, filling breakfast. I would enjoy it with  more fruit of course. 

The final breakfast consisted of orange juice, grapes, hash browns, and a Grands Biscuit. The package officially comes with 12 biscuits, which most people would feel the need to make all at once. I made only one for him, wrapped the others in wax paper to re-create the tube, and put them in an airtight sandwich bag in the fridge. This little trick is also great for pack of biscuits can last many different meals, and each could be  flavored differently! (Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge, look out for a future post called Experiments with Biscuit Dough)

Full and happy, my little brother has returned to bed. I hope when he wakes up he feels better<3

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