
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Grilled Portobello Sandwich

Welcome veggie lovers! 

It probably won't surprise you to hear, that I'm not a fan of burgers. It's not that I have anything against them, they just don't taste right to me. The same goes for steak, pork chops, pork roast, ribs, and most seafood. Because of this, I eat a lot of bacon, salami, ham, and chicken, but if you're not into meat at all, a fantastic substitute is portobello mushrooms!

This recipe was a team effort by me and my dad, and uses three of my favorite ingredients of all time. 

The Recipe:Grilled Portobello Sandwich
(Amounts are per sandwich)
  • 1 small bun
  • 1/4 Avocado, sliced
  • 3 slices of a Portobello mushroom (about 1/3 mushroom)
  • 1/4 cup Red Bell Pepper, sliced
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • 1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • (Marinade for mushrooms) Lemon juice, Garlic Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil

The Process:
  • Set your broiler to high
  • Place the red pepper slices in a small pan
  • Add olive oil, salt, and pepper
  • Toss to coat red pepper in marinade
  • Broil close to the flame for about 10 minutes, or until the edges blacken 
  • Put mushroom marinade in a sealable bag,
  • Add mushroom slices
  • Toss for a few minutes
  • Grill on a Weber grill or stovetop grill pan for about 10 minutes, 5 on each side. (may differ based on type of grill)
  • Lay mushroom slices on one side of bun
  • Lay avocado slices on other side of bun
  • Lay red pepper on side of bun with mushrooms
  • Close sandwich
  • Pair with low-fat snack or other side dish, such as steamed corn. 
  • Enjoy!

The Calories:

Bun: 113 calories (depends on your bun)
Mushrooms: 10 calories
Peppers: 13 calories
Avocado: 58 calories
Olive Oil: 40 calories (keeping in mind that some of this will end up as residue on the pan)
Salt and Pepper: insignificant amount
Marinade: 20 calories (most of this will still be in the bag when you're done)
TOTAL: 254 calories

Pretty fantastic considering one hamburger alone (not including the bun or condiments) is 280 calories at a minimum! 

What went right:
        Everything. This is now on my list of favorite sandwiches!! 

What went wrong: 
       Nothing, delicious, filling, addictive taste. Loved it. 

What I would do next time: 
       There's always a way to improve, even when something is wonderful...I might add some shredded cheese, make the same recipe in the form of a panini, or add some roasted zucchini :)

Will I do this in college?: 
       Yes, for sure! Since I won't have a grill in college, it might be faster to just throw the pepper and mushrooms in the same pan and roast both, for faster cooking and faster cleanup. But I will definitely be making this in college. 

Overall, nothing bad to say about this sandwich, and I'm very excited to have it again!

What would you put in a vegetarian sandwich?

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