
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Easy Caprese Chicken

Hello and welcome to one of the few meat-centered meals on my blog! 

Today's recipe was inspired by pinterest, my distaste for steak and fish, and my friend Alec's request to cook dinner together at his place :) 

Alec insisted that we improvise, but as he once messed up ramen, I was a bit more into the recipe. That said, the original plan was to grill, but sadly Atlanta decided it was the right day to rain. We tried to start the coals, but it didn't work out too well. The state of the kitchen was rather expected from a house of men, but it was great that they had a panini press. Once we cleaned it, we set to work... 
The Recipe: Easy Caprese Chicken (Recipe per serving)
  • 1 Chicken Breast
  • 1-2 slices of Mozzarella Cheese 
  • 1-2 slices of Tomato
  • 1 tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 small slice Butter (about 1/2 tsp)
  • Sprinkle of shredded Basil 
  • Salt/Pepper
  • 1 tsp Olive Oil
The Process: 
  1. Heat the panini pan. 
  2. Wash the chicken breast. **Raw meats must be handled very carefully!! 
  3. Rub salt, pepper, and olive oil into the chicken breast. 
  4. Place chicken breast in panini press. 
  5. Wash hands! 
  6. Heat pan on the stove. 
  7. Make balsamic reduction in the pan by mixing butter and balsamic vinegar. 
  8. Wash and slice tomato. 
  9. Once chicken is nearly finished, place cheese on top and allow to melt. 
  10. Remove chicken from panini pan with a spatula and plate. 
  11. Place tomato slices on top, drizzle with balsamic reduction, and sprinkle with basil. 
  12. Enjoy! 
The Calories: 
Chicken: 250 calories
Cheese: 78 calories
Tomato: 5 calories
Butter: 10 calories
Balsamic: 26 calories
Basil/Salt/Pepper: Negligible
Olive Oil: 40 calories
TOTAL: 409 calories

What went right: 
         The dish worked well together as a whole and we had fun cooking together! 

What went wrong: 
         Personally, I thought the chicken was a little dry which meant we either over-pressed it slightly or needed to prep it more. It was still very good considering our college kitchen. 

What I would do next time: 
         Marinate the chicken and either bake it or plan to be able to grill it rather than panini pressing it. 

Overall, the dish was a success and a great evening of kitchen experimentation and catching up with an old friend :) 

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