
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chicken Tofu Teriyaki Fried Rice

Hello and welcome!

Today's recipe was one of my dinners while on Spring Break in Atlanta :)   

The Recipe: 
  • Rice
  • Rice vinegar
  • Tofu
  • Chicken (pre-baked)
  • Vegetable Oil
The Process:

  1. Boil enough water to fill an inch and a half of a small pot. 
  2. Cook about 1/2 cup jasmine rice in the pot. 
  3. When the rice is about halfway done, add a couple tablespoons of rice vinegar. 
  4. Saute chicken and tofu in a pan on medium heat. 
  5. Add rice to the pan and continue to heat. 
  6. Add teriyaki sauce to the pan and continue to heat and mix. 
  7. After about 2 minutes from the time the rice was added to the pan, it should be done. Be sure everything is cooked to desired amounts. 
  8. Enjoy!
Rice- 75 calories
Rice Vinegar- 0 calories
Chicken- 100
Teriyaki- 20 calories
Vegetable Oil- 120 calories
Tofu- 100 calories
TOTAL: 415 calories

For under 500 calories, I got an entire pan of delicious protein and rice! 

What went right: 
         It was quite delicious and light, but also satisfying. 

What went wrong: 
         I didn't have any vegetables to add this time, but it worked out anyway. 

What I would do next time: 
          Combine the vegetable and chicken recipes. 

Would I do this again in college?: 
          For sure. I love fried rice and it's really easy to make. I can see it becoming a staple of my diet next year when Emmy and I have our own kitchen :) 

Overall, a great meal with a short cook time, perfect for college life! 

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