
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Grilled Portobello Sandwich

Welcome veggie lovers! 

It probably won't surprise you to hear, that I'm not a fan of burgers. It's not that I have anything against them, they just don't taste right to me. The same goes for steak, pork chops, pork roast, ribs, and most seafood. Because of this, I eat a lot of bacon, salami, ham, and chicken, but if you're not into meat at all, a fantastic substitute is portobello mushrooms!

This recipe was a team effort by me and my dad, and uses three of my favorite ingredients of all time. 

The Recipe:Grilled Portobello Sandwich
(Amounts are per sandwich)
  • 1 small bun
  • 1/4 Avocado, sliced
  • 3 slices of a Portobello mushroom (about 1/3 mushroom)
  • 1/4 cup Red Bell Pepper, sliced
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • 1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • (Marinade for mushrooms) Lemon juice, Garlic Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil

The Process:
  • Set your broiler to high
  • Place the red pepper slices in a small pan
  • Add olive oil, salt, and pepper
  • Toss to coat red pepper in marinade
  • Broil close to the flame for about 10 minutes, or until the edges blacken 
  • Put mushroom marinade in a sealable bag,
  • Add mushroom slices
  • Toss for a few minutes
  • Grill on a Weber grill or stovetop grill pan for about 10 minutes, 5 on each side. (may differ based on type of grill)
  • Lay mushroom slices on one side of bun
  • Lay avocado slices on other side of bun
  • Lay red pepper on side of bun with mushrooms
  • Close sandwich
  • Pair with low-fat snack or other side dish, such as steamed corn. 
  • Enjoy!

The Calories:

Bun: 113 calories (depends on your bun)
Mushrooms: 10 calories
Peppers: 13 calories
Avocado: 58 calories
Olive Oil: 40 calories (keeping in mind that some of this will end up as residue on the pan)
Salt and Pepper: insignificant amount
Marinade: 20 calories (most of this will still be in the bag when you're done)
TOTAL: 254 calories

Pretty fantastic considering one hamburger alone (not including the bun or condiments) is 280 calories at a minimum! 

What went right:
        Everything. This is now on my list of favorite sandwiches!! 

What went wrong: 
       Nothing, delicious, filling, addictive taste. Loved it. 

What I would do next time: 
       There's always a way to improve, even when something is wonderful...I might add some shredded cheese, make the same recipe in the form of a panini, or add some roasted zucchini :)

Will I do this in college?: 
       Yes, for sure! Since I won't have a grill in college, it might be faster to just throw the pepper and mushrooms in the same pan and roast both, for faster cooking and faster cleanup. But I will definitely be making this in college. 

Overall, nothing bad to say about this sandwich, and I'm very excited to have it again!

What would you put in a vegetarian sandwich?

Fridge Cleaning Pasta Salad

Hello and welcome! 

Today's dish was inspired yet again by having lots of leftovers in the fridge that all look great on their own, but may or may not have worked well in anything else...

The Recipe:Fridge Cleaning Pasta Salad
  • 1 cup Pasta (previously cooked)
  • 1/4 grilled Chicken Breast (previously cooked)
  • 1 cup halved Strawberries
  • 1/8 Cucumber, sliced and chopped
  • 1 cup Romaine Lettuce, chopped
The Process:
  • Wrap the chicken in a paper towel
  • Use a microwave to reheat the chicken. It should take 1-2 minutes on high. Be careful taking the chicken out of the microwave. 
  • Put the pasta in a microwave-safe bowl with a paper towel over it.
  • Use a microwave to reheat the pasta. It should take 1-2 minutes on high. Be careful taking the pasta out of the microwave.
  • Toss all ingredients together. 
  • Enjoy!
The Calories:

Pasta: 100 calories (depending on brand and type)
Chicken: 60 calories (depending on how it was marinated)
Strawberries: 49 calories
Cucumber: 8 calories
Lettuce: 16 calories
TOTAL: 241 calories

What went right:
          This was a very filling and well-rounded meal, especially considering the final calorie count!
What went wrong:
          While everything tasted good on its own, combining a very summery salad with a pollo pasta this way wasn't the best choice. It was good, but would have been better in separate courses. 

What I would do next time:
         As previously mentioned, I would make two separate dishes: one, a salad, with lettuce, cucumber, and strawberries. The other, pasta, chicken, and maybe some alfredo or marinara if I had some on hand. 

Would I make this in college?:
        Yeah, for a late night leftovers meal, this turned out pretty great! Definitely the kind of thing for a college student menu. 

Overall, I ended up with an easy, low-calorie meal that just needed to become two separate plates. I'd call that a successful fridge cleaning experiment :) 
What would you make if you were cleaning out your fridge?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Skinny Pizza Panini

Hey Pizza Lovers! 

Ever had that moment where it's late at night, you just gotta have that pizza taste, and there's no pizza to be found? 

This recipe is the result of that moment for me, and unlike your traditional pizza, it's quite healthy and guilt-free! 

The Recipe:  Skinny Pizza Panini
  • 2 slices of Cinnamon Raisin Bread
  • 2 tsp Pizza Sauce
  • 1 leaf Basil
  • 2 tbsp shredded Four Cheese Italian
  • 1 tsp Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp (small slice) unsalted Butter

The Process: 
  • Heat your panini pan with the stove on high
  • Melt your Butter and mix it with the Olive Oil
  • Using a basting brush, coat both sides of your Cinnamon Raisin Bread with the Butter and Olive Oil Mix
  • Lay the Cinnamon Raisin Bread open on your panini pan 
  • Lower the heat to medium-low
  • Sprinkle the Four Cheese Italian on both slices of your Cinnamon Raisin Bread 
  • Allow the cheese to melt slightly
  • Shred your Basil, and put some on both slices of your Cinnamon Raisin Bread
  • Use a spoon to apply and spread the Pizza Sauce on one slice of your Cinnamon Raisin Bread
  • Turn the slice without Pizza Sauce over and place it on top of the slice with Pizza Sauce
  • Use the panini pan press to complete your panini. It should be left on top of the panini for 1-2 minutes depending on your desired heat and grill marks. 
  • Use a spatula to remove your panini from the panini press
  • Enjoy!
The Calories: 
Cinnamon Raisin Bread: 156 calories (varies by brand, check your package!)
Butter: 25 calories
Olive Oil: 40 calories (In all reality you don't use all of this...much of it will end up as residue in whatever bowl you mix with, the basting brush, and on the panini pan and press)
Four Cheese Italian: 20 calories
Basil: 0 calories
Pizza Sauce: 50 calories
TOTAL: 291 calories!

Compared to a slice of pizza (300-400 calories depending on your brand, and generally these contain many chemicals as well), that's not bad at all. For my dinner, I combined it with 1 cup of air popped, low fat kettle corn. The total dinner was about 360 calories, and very satisfying. 

What went right: 
         Everything. This is going on my favorite sandwiches list! It may sound strange to make a pizza on cinnamon raisin bread, but it works so well together. 

What went wrong: 
         Nothing. (I love when I can say this!)

What would I do next time:
         I might make it a veggie pizza panini next time, by adding my favorite vegetables in the middle, like tomato slices, mushrooms, zucchini, and maybe even some avocado! Additionally, it would be fun to try some different cheeses, and just play around with my favorite kinds of pizza and flatbreads. It would also be fun to try with different breads, bagels and bialys. Granted additional ingredients and thicker breads mean more calories, but they also mean a well-rounded, more filling meal, which would allow for fewer sides and less hunger later. 

Would I make this in college?: 
        Did I buy a mini panini press just for college? Why, yes. Yes, I did. This recipe in particular only takes a couple ingredients in low quantities, so the total cost is around $1, when buying some pretty high quality brands. It is also quick and easy to make without a lot of effort. If all that doesn't sound like college to you, I would love to have your college experience!

Overall, a yummy new way to satisfy that pizza craving without breaking your diet, or your bank!  

Friday, August 2, 2013

Macaroni & Cheese a la mi Padre

Hey Cheese Lovers!

This recipe was part of a four person family dinner including Macaroni & Cheese, Mushroom Risotto, and Easy Chicken Wings. We used to have it with French bread, but have since learned that Pretzel bread is a much better complement!
Special thanks goes to my dad, who is always willing to teach me his cooking methods. I'm more than happy to play Sous Chef :)

The Recipe: Macaroni & Cheese a la mi Padre
  • 1 box of Macaroni
  • 1 packet cheese mix
The Process:
  • Boil 1-1.5 cups of water on the stove (depends on your pot. Essentially you want enough to saturate your macaroni)
  • Cook the macaroni for 7-8 minutes on low-medium heat (around the 6 minute mark, watch it closely and remove 1-2 test noodles. Be sure to run a small amount of cold water over the noodle before eating!)
  • Pour the macaroni in a strainer to remove excess water.
  • Put the macaroni back in the pot and add the cheese packet as directed.
  • Cook for another 1-2 minutes.
  • Pour into a deep plate or shallow bowl. Be sure it is oven safe. (I used a ceramic plate.)
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, or until your macaroni becomes slightly browned at the edges.
  • Enjoy!

The Calories:

Macaroni noodles: 442 calories
Cheese packet (depends on your brand): 112 calories
 TOTAL: 554 calories

What went right:
         The macaroni was the right consistency and tasted very nice!

What went wrong: 
          Lots of cheese? Honestly that's the only thing that could ever be wrong for the diet.

What would I do next time: 
           I would like to make mac and cheese with real cheese next :)

Would I make this in college?:
           Potentially? I think the process is a larger takeaway than the dish itself.

Overall, I love mac and cheese, but I love it too much to make it in school.