
Monday, June 10, 2013

Easy Chicken Wings

Hey chicken fans!

When making dinner for four, it's tough to find something everyone likes. This recipe was one of three dishes made on my Mushroom Risotto night, specifically to feed my younger brother. 

The Recipe: Easy Chicken Wings
  • 8 raw chicken wings
  • 1 package of Shake N Bake 
The Process: 
  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  • Clean the raw chicken, being careful to not let it touch too many surfaces, as they will all need to be cleaned. 
  • Place the chicken into a large grocery bag.
  • Pour the Shake N Bake breading on top of the chicken.
  • Shake the bag over the sink until all chicken wings are covered. 
  • Lay the chicken on a baking pan.
  • Bake for about 2 hours, or until the chicken has browned and caramelized.
  • Allow to cool briefly before serving. 
The Calories:

Chicken: 92 calories per wing
Shake N Bake: 40 calories (5 per wing)
TOTAL: 97 calories per wing

This looks like a healthy recipe, but Shake N Bake is almost all chemicals, which makes it very unhealthy. 

What went right:
          With the guidance of my father, who can probably make these one handed with his eyes closed by now, I got it all right. It's really a no-brainer to be honest, so that was nice. Kirby enjoyed them and finished them, so that was a major plus. I don't really know what they tasted like, since I didn't have any. 

What went wrong: 
          The cleanup for these is obnoxious and they have a very long baking time. Otherwise, I have no issues with them. 

What I would do next time: 
           It would be nice to learn how to make my own breading for the chicken. I know there are many ways to cook without breading and I have done this before, but it would be healthier and cheaper to learn to make the breading on my own for when I do want to cook this way. It might even be possible to crumble my Garlic Sesame Croutons and add some extra spices to it as a breading...

Would I do this in college?: 
           Personally, I prefer thighs and legs to wings and it would be cheaper and healthier to make my own breading. Otherwise, yes, I think it is a great process to know and I will definitely be using it in the future.

Variations on the Peanut Butter Cookie

As promised! Some simple variations on the Peanut Butter Cookie...

These cookies used the recipe for basic peanut butter cookies from earlier in my blog, and the medium baked process. 

Experiment 1: Folding in Cinnamon Swirls
  • Sprinkle cinnamon onto a small plate.
  • Using your hands, flatten a small amount of batter and press it into the cinnamon.
  • Roll the batter into a ball with the cinnamon in the center. Each ball should be 1/2-3/4 inches in diameter. 
  • Bake 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees

Experiment 2: Adding a dark chocolate center
  • Bake 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees
  • Immediately post baking, press a dark chocolate Godiva chip into the center and allow to cool. The chocolate chip should become fully embedded into the cookie. 
The caloric addition of a single chocolate chip or a small amount of cinnamon is not significant enough to change the health value of each cookie. 

And of course, while they bake, do the Peanut Butter Cookie Workout to stay in shape and enjoy, guilt-free!

Both experiments went well, and I will definitely have more trials in the future. I might try different shapes for the cookies, such as a triangle for the cinnamon, and rolling it like a crescent, or cinnamon roll. 

 Keep checking for more variations on the Peanut Butter Cookie recipe!

Kale Chips

Hello and welcome green eaters! 

To most, the idea of eating kale is the equivalent of drinking a wheatgrass shot...completely unappealing. However, kale can be prepared in a variety of  manners that make this leafy Super-Food a tasty treat!

The Recipe: Kale Chips
  • 4 leaves raw Kale
  • 1 tsp oil
  • Salt
  • Lemon Juice (Optional)
  • Pepper (Optional)
The Process: 
  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 
  • Mix your oil and salt in a small dish. If you are using lemon and/or pepper, add it now. 
  • Rip smaller sections of leaf off your raw Kale and lay the pieces on a baking tray.
  • Brush each Kale piece with the oil/salt(/lemon/pepper) solution. 
  • Bake for 20 minutes, or until Kale becomes crisp and the tips brown. 
  • Allow to cool briefly. 
  • Enjoy!
The Calories:

Kale: 20 calories 
Olive Oil: 40 calories
TOTAL: 60 calories

Any additional "toppings" such as salt, pepper, or, lemon juice are relatively insignificant, as only a few drops or shakes are necessary for the entire recipe. 

What went right: 
         I made one batch with just oil and salt and another with oil salt and lemon. I preferred the plain ones, but figured I should try two different kinds. Nonetheless, the chips were delicious, light, and the words of my mom: "Sydney, we could SERVE these!" They have a crispy texture and are loaded with taste. 

What went wrong:
          Nothing, really. I enjoyed the more medium sized chips more than the larger ones, which tended to curl up on themselves and have a layered texture which felt strange to my mouth. Due to the success of the first batch, I decided to make the second a double, but learned that the chips to not keep more than a day or so.

Would I do this in college?: 
          Yes, I can definitely see making this in college as a study snack. They have a very quick prep time, low cleanup, and the bake time can be used for studying or changing laundry loads. 

Overall, a quick, easy, and tasty use of Kale!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

When two sides make a meal: Green Teriyaki Chicken Salad and Roasted Broccoli/Honey Carrot Salad

Welcome/welcome back!

If you are a new visitor, I hope you enjoy my blog and my food! If you are a returning visitor, I hope you continue to enjoy my blog and my food! It is with your support that I am spurred to continue thank you :)

When you hear "salad", most people think of a less-filling, low calorie substitute for a real meal. These salads definitely break that mold, and taste phenomenal together!

The Recipe: Roasted Broccoli and Honey Carrot Salad
  • 1 cup broccoli
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp brown sugar
  • 1 cup frozen baby carrots
The Process:
  • Set the oven to broil on High
  • Put the broccoli in a small, oven-safe pan
  • Drizzle 1 tbsp olive oil on the broccoli
  • Sprinkle Salt and Pepper onto the broccoli
  • Using a spatula, mix the broccoli so that all pieces become coated in a light layer of the oil/salt/pepper mixture
  • Broil for about 8 minutes, or until broccoli tips brown (depends on your oven)
  • Put the carrots in a small, oven-safe pan
  • Drizzle 1 tbsp olive oil on the carrots
  • Sprinkle Salt and Pepper onto the carrots
  • Using a spatula, mix the carrots so that all pieces become coated in a light layer of the oil/salt/pepper mixture
  • Broil for about 4 minutes
  • Remove the carrots from the oven
  • Drizzle honey and sprinkle brown sugar on the carrots
  • Mix the carrots into the honey and brown sugar
  • Broil for another few minutes, or until carrots develop a small skin
  • Mix the finished carrots and broccoli
The Calories:

Broccoli: 30 calories
Carrots: 60 calories
Olive Oil: 120 calories (technically 240, although much of the oil ends up still on the pan after cooking, so not consumed)
Honey: 64 calories
Brown Sugar: 6 calories
TOTAL: 280 calories

Not bad! This salad alone is very filling and again, the oil content is still probably less than 120 calories after cooking.

What went right:
          Everything :) The carrots especially taste like candy. So delicious!

What went wrong:
         Nothing. I've done roasted vegetables many times, so I didn't expect any problems.

What would I do next time:
         I might try an olive oil substitute that contains less calories, but I don't really see that as a need. When you're having veggies for dinner, guilt is not on the menu.

Would I make this in college:
         Absolutely! I make this quite frequently, and am glad to have found a new partner salad to go with it.

The Recipe: Green Teriyaki Chicken Salad
  • 2 cups chopped Romaine Lettuce
  • 1/2 cup halved Cucumber slices
  • 1/2 cup shredded Chicken breast (leftovers)
  • 1 tbsp Teriyaki sauce
  • 10 whole, dry Cashews
The Process:
  • Preheat oven to 375
  • Put your shredded chicken in a small, oven-safe pan
  • Drizzle with teriyaki sauce and mix until all chicken is as saturated as possible
  • Bake at 375 for about 5 minutes to heat the chicken and allow sauce to sink in
  • If your lettuce comes from a bag, you will not need to chop it. If you buy whole heads of lettuce: Wash the leaves. Rip off about 4, depending on the size of the leaves. stack them on top of one another and compress the pile so that you can chop them all the way down the stem. The "leafier" part should be chopped larger than the part with more stem. Put these at the base of salad platter.
  • Lay your cucumber slices around the edges of the lettuce. 
  • Spread shredded chicken in the center of the cucumber ring. 
  • Chop your cashews. 
  • Bake at 375 for about 2 minutes. 
  • Sprinkle across the entire salad. 
The Calories:

Lettuce: 12 calories
Cucumber: 8 calories
Chicken: 116 calories
Sauce: 15 calories
Cashews: 50 calories
TOTAL: 196 calories

Pretty awesome for a salad :) If you must add dressing, be wary of what you add...not only could you screw up the teriyaki flavor, but you also run a risk of nearly doubling your calorie and fat content! 

What went right: 
         Everything. I love this salad. I'm very glad I decided to roast the cashews and use teriyaki. They definitely make fridge dump salad taste like so much more. 

What went wrong:

What I would do next time: 
         If we had multiple types of greens such as kale or spinach I would add those too. 

Will I do this in college?:
         Yeah this is definitely the kind of leftovers dish I can see making in college :) It was fast, easy, healthy, and definitely delicious. 

Overall, these two dishes make an attractive, addictive, less calorie, more filling pair!