
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easy Vegetable Medley

Happy Tuesday!

While I've been cooking almost daily for a while, I don't really count things like canned soup or ham and salami sandwiches, although I will for sure be making things of this nature in college. I'm now on vacation, which generally means a lot of eating out at whatever restaurant we can find...night one included +Applebees, which I was happy to discover now has a grilled chicken with mushrooms and mixed vegetables!

Last night, while shopping for food with my dad, I decided I wanted a veggie medley that I could make in about as much time as the pasta I was making for my brother. Rather than buying a head of cauliflower, a head of broccoli, raw carrots, and raw green beans and sweet peas, my dad suggested that I choose from the massive mixes of frozen vegetables that were already cut, steamed, and ready to roast. This sounded very college-practical, so I decided it was worth doing.

The Recipe: Easy Vegetable Medley

  • One package of frozen cauliflower, broccoli, and carrot chunk medley
  • 1/2 package of frozen green beans, yellow green beans, sweet peas, and baby carrot medley
  • 1/3 package of frozen green peas
  • About three teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
The Process: 
  • Break apart frozen ingredients while they're in the bag and allow them to sit and thaw briefly
  • Set the broiler on your oven to high
  • Put the grate on a high shelf, depending on the depth of your pan, so the vegetables can be close to the flame
  • Pour your ingredients into a bowl and mix 
  • Pour the mix into a baking pan
  • Drizzle olive oil over the vegetables in the baking pan
  • Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste over the vegetables in the baking pan
  • Use a spatula to mix the vegetables  around so they all become coated in the oil-salt-pepper mix
  • Put the pan in the oven for 10-15 minutes, watching closely because all ovens differ 
  • They are done when the broccoli and green beans develop brown edges, and the carrots appear to have a skin 
  • Take out the vegetables and enjoy!
The Calories: 
The mix made about 4 cups of vegetables, which is 473 calories! I was full after about 2.5 cups. Health gets a score of 10/10. 

What went right:  
               The vegetables came out wonderfully. They are simple and filling with high fiber; very nutritious. 

What went wrong: 
               Nothing really...this is a relatively fool-proof method of making vegetables. I might leave them in for another minute or so to make them softer, but that is the difference between using freshly steamed and frozen vegetables I suppose. 

What I would try next time: 
               Other than cooking a little bit longer, I would like to try adding some teriyaki sauce or maybe some sesame seeds for a totally different taste. I would also like to try a honey glaze, or adding garlic or onion to the mix. 

Would I do this in college: 
               Oh yes. I will be doing this many, many times in college! I love the not having to steam or deal with whole heads of cauliflower and broccoli. 

Overall a very successful dinner!! 

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